In their
2008 study, Chandra Giri and Joseph Mulhausen used GeoCover Satellite data, in combination with other maps of the mangrove forest area, for the years 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2005 to track and analyze the rate of change of the ecosystem. Using this data, they produced this map showing the extent of the mangrove forests in 2005.
This satellite data shows dense mangrove areas (dark red) and open mangrove areas (dark green).
Using time series analysis, the researchers then mapped the change over time of the mangroves from 1975 to 2005. They estimated a net loss of 7% for this ecosystem, which is considerably less deforestation than mangrove forests in South and Southeast Asia, which have suffered up to 25% deforestation rates. The rate of deforestation was not uniform through time, nor across the country.